Building long-term business relationships comes from the work you do after a networking event.


After the Networking Event:

  • Sort through the cards you collected and send a LinkedIn invite to each person.
  • Send a follow-up email within 24 to 48 hours of meeting someone you’d like to talk to further and set up a time to talk or meet.
  • If someone recommended a networking event that you attended, quickly send a thank you note to let the person know it was helpful. This way they will think of you again in the future.
  • Keep a calendar to remind yourself to follow-up with key individuals within the next month or so to keep relationships moving forward. Share articles, other events coming up, or industry information.


Remember, people you meet may be generous and introduce you to new people or companies. While it’s important to say thank you, at some point you’ll have to reciprocate. Otherwise, it can be a small world and you don’t want to get a reputation of being a “taker”.




Susan Caplan is the go-to MARKETING YOURSELF expert. She is an inspiring keynote speaker, consultant, teacher and author of the Marketing Yourself to the Real World™ book series.


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